This is an important job. Every interaction with children helps shape the person they will grow up to be. Supporting school readiness and equipping young children with tools for lifelong success provide an opportunity to make a tremendous impact. And we’re all here to help.
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At ²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëùl, we are committed to championing policies and practices that empower just, inclusive, and equitable early childhood care and education systems.

As young children, they’re having learning experiences everywhere—at home, in child care, or at school. Finding the right care can be overwhelming, and we are here to support you in this important decision. We’ll provide you with the information, tools, and knowledge to help identify your care and early education options.
That’s why we’re actively engaged—through policy development, advocacy, evaluation, and program piloting—in creating a Minnesota that supports optimal child care and early learning. For policymakers, funders, government agencies, non-profit organizations, and others concerned with kids, we’re a bold and effective partner. We invite you to work together with us on community and state-wide issues involving early childhood.
<²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù>We are a network of caregivers, educators, policymakers, & families.²»Á¼Ñо¿Ëù>The more we share our hopes, dreams, fears, questions, experiences and resources with each other, the more equipped we will be to help children during the most crucial development stage of their life.
°Â±ð’r±ð on a mission to advance quality care and education of children by providing early educators like you with curated classes and eLearning.
Learn from our industry leading network of Develop approved trainers and elevate your practice wherever you are in your professional journey.